Being blessed with innumerable rivers, creeks, lakes and lagoons, our fishing options are almost unlimited. Trout, both browns and rainbows, are not stocked and have found their own natural balance in numbers and sizes. You will catch lots of strong, wild fish in the 12 to 20-inch range. Generally, fish over 20-inches are caught daily, over 23-inches weekly. The lodge record for both brown and rainbow trout is 32 inches.
From BaseCamp, the main river systems we fish are the Palena, Rosselot, Figueroa and Yelcho. Numerous tributaries will give you the chance to fish in smaller creeks. In the mountains, sometimes hidden and difficult to access, secluded lakes and lagoons guarantee for the best still water fishing you can imagine. Especially when the dragon flies are out, big browns and rainbows are tuned in and offer some spectacular sight fishing options.
Having three outpost camps, TempleCamp, IslaLeonCamp and EscondidoCamp next to our main lodge, The BaseCamp, the array of waters and scenery available is almost unlimited. Every camp offers completely different angling conditions. Everything from drifting through deep canyons to walking tiny little spring creeks.