Over the past years, we have been honored by the international press who wrote interesting articles about our operations, services, fishing and the area we operate in. Enjoy some great writing and good photography:
Matt Harris adds incredible images to a great story in Fieldsports Magazine: Field Sports Oct 18
Netherlands Flyfishing magazine summarising the history of BaseCamp: VNV Sept 18
By the hands of our guide Max Saffle: This Is Fly August 18
A guest reports: Angling Report 16
Fly Rod & Reel about floating our rivers: Fly Rod & Reel 2016
Kaminsky about TempleCamp: “you could call it that: damn near religious”: Anglers Journal 16
A Japanese impression of Patagonia: Japanese Flyfisher 15
John Randolph writes in the famed Fly Fisherman magazine: Flyfisherman 14
The British Financial Times impressed by Patagonia: Financial Times 12
Another Dutch write up about out waters: Nederlandse Vliegvisser
Appreciation for our fight against Dydimo: Angling Report 10